
Sidhant Sadawarti headshot.

Sidhant Sadawarti (he/him/his)

4th year
Computer Engineering major                                                              
Connect with Sidhant!
Sidhant's LinkedIn
Office Hours (Zoom link):
Mondays: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Wednesdays: 1:30 - 2:30pm

More about Sidhant

Favorite music:

Fun fact:
I received the Student Organization Member of the Year award at the 2024 Student Leadership Gala!

Watching, playing, and analyzing Cricket

Controller Goals

  • work on scholarships

  • help more RSOs receive funding

  • make students more aware of A.S.

Controller Responsibilities

  • serve as the Chair of the Finance Committee

  • serve as the Vice Chair of the Operations Committee

  • serve as a member of the Executive Committee, Personnel Committee, and the Spartan Community Fund

  • provide leadership and management for the finances of Associated Students

  • plan and facilitate Funding Orientation Sessions throughout the fiscal year

  • plan and facilitate the A.S. Scholarship Reception and the Spartan Showcase

  • work with the Director of Business Affairs on developments to the budget

  • work with the President and Vice President to prepare the budget for the upcoming fiscal year

  • ensure the financial reports of Associated Students are publicized to the student body every year

  • report on decisions of the California State Legislature affecting student fees to the Board of Directors

  • provide a liaison report on the activities of the Vice President of Administration and Finance

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