September 2023 Grants and Contracts
We are pleased to share the success of 菠菜网lol正规平台's principal investigators who were awarded grants and contracts during September 2023:
Monthly Awards at a Glance
23 Awards Received: Valued at $11,335,810.
Note: Some industry-sponsored awards are not listed due to their respective non-disclosure terms.
Lucas College and Graduate School of Business
Philbrick, Karen E. / Nixon, Hilary K., Business, Dean's Office
Climate Change and Extreme Events Training and Research Program
Sponsor: Department of Transportation – $4,666,011.
Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering
Guzun, Gheorghi, Computer Engineering
CAREER: Scalable and Adaptable Sparsity-Driven Methods for More Efficient AI Systems
Sponsor: National Science Foundation – $104,778.
Mak, Ronald, Computer Engineering
Sponsor: Confidential – $9,677.
Mourtos, Nikos J., Aerospace Engineering
ATOM Business Office Admin. Assistant
Sponsor: Jacobs, Inc. – $17,390.
College of Science
Betre, Kassahun / Asplund, Curtis, Physics & Astronomy
A Transformative Master’s Program in High Energy Physics
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Energy – $325,000.
Bowers, Holly A., Moss Landing Marine Lab
Validating the Aqusens Imaging Platform to Expand Networked Cell Detection Capabilities
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Commerce – $272,903.
Diao, Minghui, Meteorology & Climate Science
California Community and Earth-system Integrated Climate Resilience Center (CalCEI
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Energy – $323,061.
Esker, Nicholas, Chemistry
Multidisciplinary Training Experience in Nuclear Science "Mt. ENS"
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Energy – $104,553.
Gardner, Luke, Moss Landing Marine Lab
Elkhorn Slough Foundation Subaward: Enhancing Climate Resilience through Coastal Ecosystem
Restoration in Elkhorn Slough
Sponsor: Elkhorn Slough Foundation – $147,501.
Hamilton, Scott L. Moss Landing Marine Lab
Validating Age and Growth of Captive Fishes from Mexican Waters at the Monterey Bay
Sponsor: Monterey Bay Aquarium – $10,000.0
Kochanski, Adam, Meteorology & Climate Science
Distributed Spacecraft with Heuristic Intelligence to Monitor Wildfire Spread for
Responsive Control
Sponsor: Bay Area Environmental Research Institute – $377,547.
Kochanski, Adam / Clements, Craig B., Meteorology & Climate Science
Evaluating and Improving Live and Dead Fuel Moisture Models for Use in Gridded Forecast
Sponsor: U.S. Forest Service – $230,195.
Kochanski, Adam, Meteorology & Climate Science
Datasets of Dead Fuel Moisture for California
Sponsor: Lawrence Livermore National Lab – $50,546.
McDonald, Birgitte, Moss Landing Marine Lab
Basic Stranding Response: Involving Undergraduates to Train the Next Generation of
Marine Mammal Stranding Responders
Sponsor: UC, Santa Cruz – $20,313.
Paul, Cassandra A. / Visintainer, Tammie / Pizarro, Marcos / Wilkinson, Katherine, Physics & Astronomy
Transforming Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Through Culturally Sustaining, Active,
and Asset-Based Approaches to Introductory Science
Sponsor: National Science Foundation – $208,557.
Sigala, Marco A., Moss Landing Marine Lab
Ahtna Sharpe 2021
Sponsor: Ahtna Environmental Inc. – $8,415.
Sigala, Marco A., Moss Landing Marine Lab
SFEI RMP Margins 2023
Sponsor: San Francisco Estuary Institute – $175,576.
Sigala, Marco A., Moss Landing Marine Lab
Delta RMP QA Services
Sponsor: MLJ Environmental – $52,400.
Soto, Julio, Biological Sciences
Sponsor: IPA – $256,467.
College of Social Sciences
Laraway, Sean P., Psychology
Human Systems Integration: Coll. Human Factors Research to Improve Safety, Efficiency
& Reliability of NASA’s Aeronautics & Space Missions: Phase 2
Sponsor: NASA – $3,163,607. and $565,120.
Mulvaney, Dustin Robert, Environmental Studies
Understanding and Addressing Environmental Justice Impacts of Energy Storage Projects
on Local Communities
Sponsor: Portland State University – $98,140.
Nojan, Saugher, Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Resisting Erasure and Asserting Afghan Cultural and Community Resilience
Sponsor: National Endowment for the Humanities – $148,054.